[Airship-discuss] Redeploy node using armada failed

James Devon jr8586335 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 17:50:40 UTC 2018


What is the correct way to reprovision a node and make it join the cluster
again using promenade?

In the first step of deployment, using promenade, join-nodes.sh scripts are

In my case, I create a cluster with 10 nodes including 3 masters. What if I
want to reprovision one node? I tries to do kubectl delete node ceph01 and
I reinstall the node and give it the same ip and hostname as the previous
one and then execute the same join script (which was generated before, and
already executed on the previous node before deleting it).

The problem is that calico-etcd-ceph01 pods keeps failing. Here is the log

What should I do to be able to redeploy nodes?

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