So i was able to deploy Airship in a Bottle, albeit on a much larger machine (but that's a separate issue).  I wanted to demonstrate how the manifests control things, so I started up a fresh VM and edited /root/deploy/treasuremap/site/aiab/software/config/common-software-config.yaml to change the region name:

I then went ahead and ran the script as usual, but it was unable to deploy/find Horizon.  To make sure that the change was the issue, I then went and created a THIRD fresh VM and ran it without the change, and it deployed successfully.

Is this expected?

To duplicate:

sudo -i

mkdir -p /root/deploy && cd "$_"

git clone

cd /root/deploy/treasuremap/tools/deployment/aiab/


Edit :~/deploy/treasuremap/site/aiab/software/config/common-software-config.yaml


schema: pegleg/CommonSoftwareConfig/v1


  schema: metadata/Document/v1

  name: common-software-config


    abstract: false

    layer: site

  storagePolicy: cleartext



    region_name: ThisIsMyRegion



If someone can recommend a value that I could successfully change as a demonstration, I would really appreciate it.


----  Nick