Hi everyone,

Sorry to bother you with this again... I still have a remaining problem to run airship-in-a-bottle (either dev_single_node or  dev_minimal sites: I target the 1st).
Even going back to previous commits failed:
- some lead to rabbitmq container error (a9f5fc93e33163f51fc56d1bf886d4d433251f8e) : fixed also by moving from 3.7 to 3.7.4 (found in later commits) but lead to maas-ingress then mass-import pb
- maas_ingress error also has been encountered (539f777c637ffd1927659469072ec6235188b247) patchset 629950 fix this, but I got stuck to "maas-import-resources' error (previously mentioned in this thread)
- latest also lead me to this "maas-import-resources error"
In fact 'maas admin boot-resources read' seems to fail a be the root cause of my problems

The whole output of kubectl logs of the faulty pod can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1smgmynynkUcdtLGw72nbtEXNwXjIW2HH

Otherwise, as a B plan if I use Airskiff can this fix this problem?and what will be the next steps to reach the same level than Aiab (ie. K8s + Openstack running on the same host :a VM) or maybe different VMs will be required : Build, Genesis and Control + Dataplane? 

Thanks in advance.