Hi Ashlee,


I can work on this.  If anyone would like to collaborate, please let me know!





From: Ashlee Ferguson <ashlee@openstack.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 12:13 PM
To: airship-discuss@lists.airshipit.org
Subject: [Airship-discuss] Open Infrastructure Summit Airship 101 Content


Hi everyone, 


I mentioned on recent call that we were planning on having a “101”/Overview session of each OSF project during the virtual Summit. Below are some details around suggested content, recording and submission deadlines, etc. 


Is anyone available to help pull together this content? Two people is an option as well if anyone wants to tag-team.


Let me know if you have any questions!






This session can be up to 25 minutes long, but we think around 15 minutes will be the most digestible for viewers. If the presenter or someone else from the Airship community is able to be online when the recording shows, we recommend utilizing the remainder of the time for Q&A with attendees in the virtual event platform chat for your session (for a total time of 30 minutes). Please read through slides 1-6 before you begin recording. We recommend using Zoom if possible.


For the Airship Overview content, we’re hoping for it to be relatively beginner oriented. Some things you'll probably want to include are:

  • Explain what the project is
  • Where it fits in the software stack
  • Open source projects it integrates with
  • Tools used to contribute/where to find us online
  • How it follows the 4 Opens

We’ll share more details on how to submit your recording soon, but please plan on having it ready by October 1. 





Ashlee Ferguson

Community & Events Coordinator

OpenStack Foundation