Thanks for the update, Digambar.  Is it fair to summarize it this way?




From: Digambar Patil <>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 4:45 AM
Cc: Prakash <>; J T <>
Subject: [Airship-discuss] Error status of Disks


Hi Airship,

We had a discussion in OpenDesign meeting last thursday on bringing error states for disks and other devices so that we can label appropriate error in HOST CR.
I had done good amount of investigation on Ironic Introspection data.
After studying Ironic introsepction data, Ironic has taken care of these things already. Here is my understanding -
- If one of the disk is error state, then Ironic introsepction fails in that case or it stuck in inpecting state for long time and fails after it.
- We are pulling only BM hosts which are in READY state, so READY state comes after successful execution of Introspection state.
- Here we can consider that current hardware inventory data is suffice.

- HCC (Hardware-classifcation-controller) will perform classification and validation filter by comparing with HCC profile and label the BaremetalHost CR as BMO-OK.
