Hey Jan-Erik,


Yes, here are the results: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-HS35GPGJ7/


The Monday time slot was the highly preferred one by the voters – I know that some folks won’t be able to be there for Sunday or Friday, and there are also a number of nighttime events that may be difficult to schedule around.  I think conflicts might be inevitable no matter what time slot we choose, unfortunately.


It looks like the Service Mesh event is scheduled from 8am-5pm Monday; would you be able to duck out a few minutes early and join us?  I’m happy to stay till 6.  Worst case we can definitely circle back as a smaller group during the week and sync up at a convenient time.





From: Jan-Erik Mångs <kire@kth.se>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 4:52 PM
To: Ashlee Ferguson <ashlee@openstack.org>
Cc: airship-discuss@lists.airshipit.org; Claire Massey <claire@openstack.org>; Denise Ridolfo <denise@openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [Airship-discuss] Airship Working Session at KubeCon


Matt, you did a Doodle on KubeCon, right? Did you get any response?


I think Monday is difficult as there are tons of other events that day (I’m planning to attend the Network Service Mesh event NSMcon myself). 


Friday Nov 22, or Sunday Nov 17 would be better, or just some evening. 


Best regards 




On 16 Oct 2019, at 22:19, Ashlee Ferguson <ashlee@openstack.org> wrote:

 Hi everyone, 


We’ve been floating the idea of an Airship-focused, PTG-style working session around KubeCon in San Diego, so I wanted to confirm details around the space we can provide. We’ll have the Cobalt Room (501) at the Hilton on Monday, November 18 from 12:30-6:30pm, with space for about 15 people. Below is an etherpad where you can indicate if you plan on attending. Sounds like 1:00pm will be a good target start time. Denise (copied) will be onsite if you all need any assistance.




Exact Location:

Cobalt Room (501)

Hilton San Diego Bayfrot
1 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA







Ashlee Ferguson

OpenStack Foundation





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