A tad belatedly, as I get back from vacation - congratulations to Nishant, Michael, and Matt as they are added to their respective project core teams per current core team vote! Since we don't yet have gerrit groups specifically for Promenade and Shipyard (they're only covered by the old all-airship group), I will get new groups created and then add these fine gentlemen. Thanks, Matt From: MCEUEN, MATT Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 3:12 PM To: 'airship-discuss@lists.airshipit.org' <airship-discuss@lists.airshipit.org> Subject: [Airship-discuss] Shipyard & Promenade Core Reviewer Nominations Airship team, Based on their record of quality code review and substantial/meaningful code contributions to specific Airship projects, as well as on needs of the community, I would like to nominate the following individuals as Airship Core Reviewers: For Promenade: Nishant Kumar For Shipyard: Michael Beaver, Matt Carter In my opinion all of these folks have demonstrated their ability to enhance these projects as well as guide the enhancements of others, helping to ensure a high-quality Airship. Current Core Reviewers over these projects are invited to reply with a +1/-1 by EOD next Tuesday (9/3). A lone +1/-1 will apply to all three candidates, otherwise please spell out votes individually for the candidates. With the expanding breadth of Airship, as well as a small amount of attrition, I think there's great opportunity to add additional Core Reviewers in the near term. I'd encourage anyone who is interested in these responsibilities to continue to contribute meaningful reviews and enhancements for their repositories. I'd also like to share that two key members of the Airship team, Scott Hussey and Bryan Strassner, have decided to bow out of Airship Core Reviewer responsibilities. I don't need to elaborate on how much of Airship's success is owed to the efforts of these two, the technical and community foundations that they laid, and to their continued contributions! Luckily for us they remain key members of the Airship community and trusted team members. Thanks, Matt