Reminder - December 4 is the CFP deadline for the next KubeCon event that will be in Amsterdam. You can submit talks now, here - <>. The event is scheduled for March 30 - April 2, 2020.
On Oct 17, 2019, at 11:52 AM, Claire Massey <> wrote:
Hi everyone,
Just want to flag that the KubeCon Amsterdam CFP deadline will be here before we know it!
December 4, 2019 is the CFP deadline.
You can submit talks now, here - <>.
While it may be too soon to have all of the details to include in an abstract, I still suggest submitting a presentation, demo or workshop about Airship 2.0. If the talk is accepted you can always request the abstract to be updated later.
Cheers, Claire
On Oct 16, 2019, at 2:08 PM, VAN WYK, RYAN L < <>> wrote:
All, one discussion point on the TC meeting today was when and where to make a splash publicly re Airship 2.0 reaching its BETA milestone.
Given this is targeted by the end of Feb/Early March, we are planning on trying to have talks and potentially a keynote @ KubeCon March 31 – April 2 in Amsterdam. We would then follow this with a lot of focus on the delivery on Airship 2.0 (May) in the June OSF event that is planned in North America.
Please keep this in mind for any travel planning in 2020.
Ryan van Wyk Airship TC Member
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