
Thanks for the response.

I have gone through the Airship 2 documentation and it seems to be very promising.

Currently we are looking to deploy the tool in the Production Environment? Is Airship 2 suitable for Production? 

Is there any other model (like seaworthy) with which we deploy Airship in Production?

Anirudh Gupta

On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 10:31 PM GU, JAMES <ji5690@att.com> wrote:

Hello Anirudh,


The Airship 1 site authoring and deployment guide is at this link: https://docs.airshipit.org/treasuremap/authoring_and_deployment.html.


It appears that quite a few links in https://docs.airshipit.org/treasuremap/seaworthy.html to the documents and source code have been out dated. Do you mind raising an issue to have them fixed?


Just a note that the above link is for Airship 1. The latest release is Airship 2 and its site authoring and deployment guide is at: https://docs.airshipit.org/airship2/baremetal.html.






From: Anirudh Gupta <anyrude10@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 4:11 AM
To: airship-discuss@lists.airshipit.org
Subject: [Airship-discuss] Airship Seaworthy Installation


Hi Team,


I am planning to install Airship Seaworthy for which I have arranged 6 hardwares as mentioned in the below link:



However, I am unable to find the Installation Document/ Deployment Guide


There is no deployment guide available in the link below:



Is this project supporting installation of Seaworthy in the Production Environment?

Please share the link where I can find the deployment steps.


Looking forward to hearing from you.



Anirudh Gupta