Airship community,


Normally, new projects are proposed/socialized in our team meetings.  Since we don’t have a team meeting this week, I’m socializing on the ML after discussing briefly in today’s Working Committee meeting.


In the PTG, a couple of new planned projects – ViNO and SIP – were outlined, in the context of infrastructure workloads that Airship can lifecycle manage.  They are enablers for VM-based CAPI subclusters, i.e. tenant clusters living on top of (and managed by) the undercloud cluster, and will be responsible for provisioning of libvirt VMs, standing up per-subcluster platform infrastructure, and labelling nodes for provisioning by CAPI.  More details around ViNO and SIP can be found in the PTG recording link below (starting around ~3:27:00 in).


We’d like to formally incubate the projects within Airship, creating new core teams for them that are representative of their working teams.  If there are no objections, I will put in project creation requests for `airship/sip` and `airship/vino` projects.


Please reply with any concerns or questions by EOD Wednesday.


Thank you!




Recording Link:

Recording Password: ptg2020!