Hi everyone, 

Just a reminder to visit the etherpad below and +1 the time zones you’re available and the topics you would like to cover during the first OpenDev event: Large-scale Usage of Open Infrastructure Software. Let us know before end of day Thursday, April 23. 



Ashlee Ferguson
Community & Events Coordinator
OpenStack Foundation

On Apr 20, 2020, at 4:24 PM, Ashlee Ferguson <ashlee@openstack.org> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the next stage of planning the virtual OpenDev events! These events are for the community, by the community, so we continue to need your help on the next step. 

Don’t know what OpenDev events[1] are? They are interactive discussions critical to the open source advancements addressing current challenges in cloud infrastructure. The goal of the virtual OpenDev events is the same as past OpenDev events: identify the questions we don’t yet have answers for, dive in and determine the work ahead of us, share use cases, and learn from other people asking those same questions. For this round, the community is tackling hardware automation, open infrastructure at scale, and containers. 

Now it’s your turn to influence the direction and future of open infrastructure. We want to know which topics are most critical to your team, organization, and environments. We also know that virtual events add a level of complexity since everyone is spread around the world, so we want to know what time zones work best for you. Please include any flexibility so we can accommodate as many global community members as possible. 

OpenDev will be organized as a three part series. First up: Large-scale Usage of Open Infrastructure Software.

What are your next steps? 
1. Visit this etherpad[2] and +1 the time zones you’re available and the topics you would like to cover - please provide your input by Thursday, April 23.

2. Add these dates to your calendar: June 29 - July 1 (Keep in mind, these will be 3 hour time blocks each day based on the timezone input received. We will send out calendar invitations once we determine the best time zone). 

3. Stay updated via the landing page[1] where we will continue to post updates as well as registration information once it’s available.

This is only the beginning! Keep the next dates[1] held tentatively for the other two rounds of OpenDev events. We will continue to update the mailing list as we have more information, but the OpenDev website is the best place to stay updated. 

Questions - let us know at events@openstack.org


[1] https://www.openstack.org/events/opendev-2020/

Ashlee Ferguson
Community & Events Coordinator
OpenStack Foundation

On Mar 31, 2020, at 4:34 PM, Ashlee Ferguson <ashlee@openstack.org> wrote:

Hi everyone,

As we continue to gather feedback and discuss what a virtual OpenDev will look like, we wanted to provide you with an update around the event. While we are still attempting to solve some of the riddles of virtual event world, we did come up with some decisions that give us something to build on, which are based on input and experience from members of the Programming Committee.

- OpenDev will happen after the Virtual PTG (exact format and timing TBD)
- Will not be simultaneous/parallel Tracks so everyone has the opportunity to participate in more than one
- 3 Tracks, each on different date:
- Hardware Automation
- Large Scale Ops
- Containers in Production

We also discussed the original intent and goals of OpenDev to make sure we’re still heading in a direction that’s beneficial for the community, especially since it will no longer directly precede the upcoming PTG. Similar to past OpenDev events, the goal is to identify the questions we don’t have the answers for, and to use that time to dive in and determine the work ahead of us, working together, sharing use cases, and learning from other people asking those same questions. 

High-level decisions, goals, and some areas we’re looking for feedback are in the etherpad below. As you continue to experience this new amazing world of virtual events, please add any feedback or ideas to the etherpad below. We’re looking forward to creating virtual OpenDev with you all!

Ashlee Ferguson
Community & Events Coordinator
OpenStack Foundation
