Thanks a lot Kaspars for your quick answer, Here we go! Loïc Le lun. 5 août 2019 à 16:19, SKELS, KASPARS <> a écrit :
yes, we are slowly moving things from airship-in-a-bottle repo to treasuremap (to have common/single place for all the site reference manifests).
From your pipelines/testing the AIAB in treasuremap is working very stable and we have started to recommend people to move to treasuremap.
You may also use most recent tag v1.3 – but master should also be green right now.
Kindly, Kaspars
*From:* Loic Le Gal <> *Sent:* Monday, August 5, 2019 8:25 AM *To:* *Subject:* Re: [Airship-discuss] [Aiab] Error building Gate multinode site : Quagga 3.3.2 image not found
minor typo & update:
We use a commit from the beginning of July (2d7398fc21c3b2ccbaf5a67c7c96cbeeccc42afa) and not March.
Investigation shows that cumulusnetworks/quagga (V3.3.2 not updated since 2017) seems to be obsolete and its docker image has been removed from the Docker Hub.
Quagga doesn't seems to be used by the Airship-in-a-bottle version integrated in Treasumap/site.
Is this Aiab version OK ? (latest on master of TreasureMap)
BTW, I've just found that a new site has been added in the beginning of August: *seaworthy-virt *[1]
=> it seems to be what some other people and I were looking for (Cf. [2])
As someone tested it?
[1] <>
[2] <> <>
BR, Loïc
Le lun. 5 août 2019 à 11:50, Loic Le Gal <> a écrit :
Hello Airshipers,
Back from holidays I try to launch a full rebuild of Airship in a bottle multinode and I get a strange error in the BGP_touter stage: the quagga image referenced doesn't exist anymore, and this is confirmed by browsing <>
=== Executing stage Create BGP router === Unable to find image 'cumulusnetworks/quagga:CL3.3.2' locally docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for cumulusnetworks/quagga, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'. See 'docker run --help'.
== Error in stage Create BGP router ( /tmp/tmp.ytMAznD1X5/gate.log ) ==
Note that we use a tag from March (we added minor changes) and everything was running correctly upto the Overcloud. The Quagga 3.3.2 is still referenced in latest version on master.
=> any idea to fix this?