Hi all,
This is follow up results from Airship community conversation with Cluster API under kuberentes-API SIG.
  • Discussion Topics

    • [pramchan] What is the cluster-api responsibility regarding ability to update kubernetes components configuration of a running cluster. i.e. adding arguments or removing from the api server configuration. I.e. CAPBK?

      • [vince] CAPI aims to manage immutable infrastructure. It’s not necessarily the role of CAPI to manage running infrastructure. CAPI today can’t do an in-place upgrade on a running machine from say 1.16.2 to 1.  “Replace” rather than “upgrade”

      • XRef Kubeadm operator KEP POC 

    • [pramchan] Will v1alpha4 be compatible with v1alpha3?

      • [vince] we reserve the right to make breaking changes, we document these in the book.

      • [pramchan] What about semver guarantees?

Discussion Topics
                                        Another topic of interest for  OpenStack Provider  was that if you have any missing variables for OpenStack ENV , please create a ticket under CAPI provider for OpenStack as listed below for v1alpha3 current cadence.
