Discussion Topics
[pramchan] What is the cluster-api responsibility regarding ability to update kubernetes components configuration of a running cluster. i.e. adding arguments or removing from the api server configuration. I.e. CAPBK?
[vince] CAPI aims to manage immutable infrastructure. It’s not necessarily the role of CAPI to manage running infrastructure. CAPI today can’t do an in-place upgrade on a running machine from say 1.16.2 to 1. “Replace” rather than “upgrade”
[pramchan] Will v1alpha4 be compatible with v1alpha3?
[vince] we reserve the right to make breaking changes, we document these in the book.
[pramchan] What about semver guarantees?
[vince] CAPI follows upstream Kubernetes guarantees
[elmiko] jin relation to the notion of compatibility, breaking changes, and semver. just a warning not to read too much into the ideas expressed at semver.org in relation to the version numbers we are using.