
I sent an email to info@airshipit.org about this and was directed to this community email

I'm interested in trying out Airship as a means to deploy Openstack using Openstack-Helm

First I'm starting out with Airship in a Pod, by following this documentation: https://docs.airshipit.org/airship2/airship-in-a-pod.html

In the following section https://docs.airshipit.org/airship2/airship-in-a-pod.html#deploy-aiap
I am having problems running this command
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/airshipit/airshipctl/master/tools/airship-in-a-pod/airship-in-a-pod.yaml
I'm receiving a '404 Not Found' error for the given URL, and when I put the URL into a web browser I get the same error
Has the URL been changed to something different?
Any help is appreciated
Thanks, Nick