[Airship-discuss] Aiab multinodes: Replacing virsh by Openstack VMs

Loic Le Gal l.legal.astellia at gmail.com
Thu May 23 15:09:24 UTC 2019

Hello Airshipers,

Still experimenting with Airship, after a successful Singlenode deployment,
I'm trying the multinodes Site.
My aim is to be able to use the Airship built on top of Openstack VMs and
not on real Hw nor AIO virsh VMs on a single node... So that I could
increase VM size to install other Sw at the upper layer and troubleshoot
easily what's going on below.

So, I remove the Virsh network and VMs creation from the first stages
(create_VMs, gate_setup) of the gate/multinode_deploy and replace them by
Openstack VMs of the expected Size and with expected Network connexion and
Fixed addresses 172.24.1.xx on an Openstack Network.

With this config, except a dns conflict fixed, it works and I get a
Genesis/Airflow access. (Yeah!)

As you can figure out, things became more Airship specific later on,
because in order to setup the nodes, the Workflow task
"prepare_and_deploy_nodes" try to make them boot for pxe, using a libvirt

I've found in the deployment_files.yaml that configuration which seems to
be the blocking point:
  hardware_profile: 'GenericVM'
  primary_network: 'gp'
    type: 'libvirt'
    libvirt_uri: 'qemu+ssh://virtmgr@'

So I think I have following options and I would prefer the simple one :
- either replace the libvirt drydock driver in the site definition by
another one (redfish?): But can the redfish driver drive Openstack VMs (In
this case I need to add a Redfish Server VM ?)
- or, remove the prepare_and_deploy_nodes task : But is it simple or need
to modify Drydock code?

Is it really feasible? Any simpler option is welcome...

Thanks in advance,

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