[Airship-discuss] update in configuration of bootstrap module in airshipctl

GAUTAM, ANIRUDDHA SINGH ag878f at att.com
Fri Mar 13 18:05:30 UTC 2020


What is the format of the command to update the configuration bootstrap module in airshipctl?
Use cases:
(1) user/operator wants to update user-data or network data for cloudinit.
(2) user / operator wants to update the url for iso for the consumption of "remotedirect".

"airship confit init" generates below configuration for bootstrap module.
        networkConfigFileName: network-config
        outputMetadataFileName: output-metadata.yaml
        userDataFileName: user-data
        containerRuntime: docker
        image: quay.io/airshipit/isogen:latest
        volume: /srv/iso:/config
        isoUrl: http://localhost:8099/debian-custom.iso
        remoteType: redfish

However it is not very obvious from help, how configuration for bootstrap module can be updated.
root at ubuntu-annie:~/airshipctl# ./bin/airshipctl config
Modify airshipctl config files using subcommands
like "airshipctl config set-context my-context"

  airshipctl config [command]

Available Commands:
  get-cluster     Display a specific cluster or all defined clusters if no name is provided
  get-context     Display a specific context, the current-context or all defined contexts if no name is provided
  get-credentials Gets a user entry from the airshipctl config
  init            Generate initial configuration files for airshipctl
  set-cluster     Sets a cluster entry in the airshipctl config
  set-context     Switch to a new context or update context values in the airshipctl config
  set-credentials Sets a user entry in the airshipctl config
  use-context     Switch to a different airshipctl context.

  -h, --help   help for config

Global Flags:
      --airshipconf string   Path to file for airshipctl configuration. (default "$HOME/.airship/config")
      --debug                enable verbose output
      --kubeconfig string    Path to kubeconfig associated with airshipctl configuration. (default "$HOME/.airship/kubeconfig")

Use "airshipctl config [command] --help" for more information about a command.


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