[Airship-discuss] Genesis deployment fails: Unable to update cni config: no networks found in /etc/cni/net.d

Dominik Bender | db IT Solutions db at db-itsolutions.com
Mon Nov 16 00:38:17 UTC 2020


I went through the deployment guide [0] as specified, but the Genesis 
deployment fails. No containers are created while the script is running. 
I suspect the problem is the lack of the calico conflist in 
/etc/cni/net.d (this directory is not created). This triggers a number 
of consequential errors. What's wrong? The hostname match with the 

*Output of the script until the timeout
*The connection to the server was refused - did you 
specify the right host or port?

*Docker error*
Not continuing with pull after error: context canceled

*Partial syslog errors:*
cni.go:237] Unable to update cni config: no networks found in /etc/cni/net.d
hostport_manager.go:69] The binary conntrack is not installed, this can 
cause failures in network connection cleanup.
k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/config/apiserver.go:46: Failed to list 
*v1.Pod: Get
kubelet config controller: could not get Node "loc1-rack1-srv1", will 
not sync status, error: Get dial tcp
If necessary, I can provide the entire syslog.

*Treasuremap branch*
seaworthy master

*Genesis kernel*

*Genesis Hardware
*R620, 2x E5 2680v2, 256GB, 480G SSD R1, 1,6TB UCP-Ceph-OSD


Thanks and Regards
Dominik Bender

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