[Airship-discuss] CI: airshipctl jobs, important information for developers and cores

Roman Gorshunov paye600 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 15:21:46 UTC 2020

Dear airshipctl developers,
Dear airshipctl cores (in Bcc),

As of now we have limited compute capacity available for us trough OpenDev
infra to run `airship-airshipctl-gate-script-runner-test` end-to-end CI job.
Roughly only 20-30% of test instance launch attempts succeed, other attempts
fail. This job is now set to be non-voting to allow you to continue
development and merge code to the master.

The cloud provider (essentially physical person, not a business) which was
generously donating us resources has HVAC failure and would be out of service
for quite a while with no estimates to recovery yet.

Please, try to decrease workload imposed onto CI and do as much testing as
possible locally, and only then pushing changes to Gerrit.

Please, rebase on latest master all your work-in-progress patches. Latest
master has a decreased number of jobs



Before mergeing code to master, make sure that there is at least once
succesfull run of `airship-airshipctl-gate-script-runner-test` job
(green SUCCESS).

We are working to get more compute resources into Zuul nodepool to let us
run our CI workloads with voting.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Roman Gorshunov

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